They use local hand-picked berries such as blueberry and bakeapple, to produce wine.
They collect their own seaweed for laverbread and use wild sloe berries as a local ingredient.
Colour was added to the clay using berries, which produced a brightly coloured paint that was used in ceremonies.
Bendistillery makes award-winning, small batch gin and vodka, using berries from local wild juniper trees for a spicy gin.
Brewing which is done to produce a berry flavour, uses actual berries and no syrups or extracts.
But so long as the season remains, there are also plenty of ways to use fresh berries at their peak.
'Can't they just use flowers and berries and things?'
All but one of these treatments take 15 minutes or less, using hulled berries.
If using berries, increase the flour from two-thirds cup to one and one-half cups to account for the extra juice.
Russian cuisine widely uses fish, poultry, mushrooms, berries, and honey.