Many boarders use aftermarket ballast and lead to further weigh down their boats for very large wakes or for sports such as wake surfing.
There are disadvantages to using high-density ballast.
Instead of using ballast like a typical submersible the DeepFlight Challenger will "fly" to the ocean floor using propulsion.
Racing sailors use their body weight to bring the boat to a more upright position, but are not allowed to use "movable ballast" during a race.
The advantage of using ballast is that it can be placed anywhere in the car to provide ideal weight distribution.
And the rules of the race required that you use ballast that was drinking water, potable water.
Further variables are eliminated by using ballast for the weight of the driver and the weight of the fuel in the tank.
Carbon-dioxide poisoning was having an accelerating effect on the crew and a third attempt was called for, using the engines and main ballast.
Using ballast that was incorrectly fixed to the car (the lead shot in the water tank)
And with its jumps from past to present, the movie could use ballast.