Using online archives, they tracked postings in Usenet discussion groups at the beginning of the 1999-2000 TV season.
Eckart lost his post and privileges to use the library and archives.
This section tells you how to use libraries, archives, useful websites and more to find high street images and information.
Historians construct and use archives that contain traces of the past.
Further cross-cultural testing will follow using existing archives of machine readable transcripts.
To write the book, he used written archives as well as oral histories.
She even mentioned the fact that she was using archives opened by the Forska Research Foundation.
She draws upon the decorative and applied arts, fashion and costume, often using archives and collections as a source for projects.
In addition to recovering, recording, and analyzing material culture, historical archaeologists use archives, oral histories, ethnohistorical accounts.
He used his extraordinary memory and archives accumulated through interviews.