Using configurable analog and digital blocks, designers can create and change mixed-signal embedded applications.
Until now, cellular telephones using standard, or analog, technology have provided poor quality for data transmission.
Using analog in a digital world is like finding humor in daily life.
A video camera is a category of movie camera that captures images electronically (either using analog or digital technology).
Using advanced analog and digital signal processing techniques, cheap, high quality receivers using no resonant circuits at all are now possible.
The album was recorded over two years in various Murfreesboro studios, using analog rather than digital production techniques.
Recording artists using analog consoles had to record using tape decks.
This will give us not only outstanding visual clarity (greater than the Japanese can achieve using analog), but it will also be static free.
Older jammers sometimes were limited to working on phones using only analog or older digital mobile phone standards.
Telephone service covers the entire state but rural areas still use analog.