The teams also use a close-ratio gearbox, as there are hardly any long straights in Monaco.
Electric motors can deliver a range of speeds and torques without necessarily using a gearbox (although it may be more economic to use one).
It uses a traditional manual gearbox with an electronically controlled clutch.
The transmission used a planetary gearbox giving two speeds in either forward or reverse.
It does not use a gearbox and so reduces energy consumption.
The B1 and B2 use a six-speed automatic gearbox.
Most manual transmission two-wheelers use a sequential gearbox.
The GP3/103 will again use a 6 speed longitudinal sequential gearbox developed by Hewland.
The power was transferred to the wheels using chains and a gearbox that allowed it to climb.
The team used a semi-automatic gearbox for the first time, but retained passive suspension.