It will accept phone orders using Visa or MasterCard.
If you've paid using Visa, Mastercard or Maestro, you may be able to claim your money back through their 'chargeback' scheme.
A customer who spends at least $50 in a participating restaurant accumulates points (two for using Visa, one with other credit cards).
You said you don't even use Mastercard and Visa with your doctor or dentist.
It can also be ordered by calling (202) 783-3238, and using Master Card or Visa.
Being average is something we live with and get used to, like the worn shingles of our house or the need to use Visa at Christmas.
If you use Visa or MasterCard you'll probably need to contact the issuing bank directly.
"It's to encourage travelers to use Visa while they are traveling," said Charles Mardiks, a spokesman.
To place orders using Mastercard or Visa, call (315) 649-5519.
American Express will allow donors to use Visa and Mastercard.