A videotape made by one resident showed police officers wading into the crowd, using Mace.
"If criminals want to use Mace, they can buy it in plenty of other states."
We don't have violent activists running around in black masks, using Mace, trespassing, and pulling kids off ponies.
A spokesman for the New York department mistakenly said on Thursday that the city used Mace rather than pepper spray.
A few months later, things became so rowdy after a fire drill that the police officers on duty used Mace.
A woman stood in her kitchen, spraying the empty space in front of her as though using Mace against an imaginary assailant.
Instead of shooting, we're supposed to taze them or use Mace.
She frequently uses Mace merely out of anger.
At least one has admitted using Mace or pepper spray, the police say.
She didn't mind using Mace; that was a spray, for God's sake.