Most mobile phone networks are digital and use the GSM, CDMA or iDEN standard which operate at various radio frequencies.
Otherwise, Verizon uses CDMA so we presumably have to wait for someone to come along with a European GSM version.
In some that use CDMA, like Canada, Bermuda, Israel, Mexico, South Korea, the rate is just 69 cents a minute.
DOCSIS3 uses CDMA which means ALL clients are talking at the same time.
DOCSIS must not be using CDMA completely then.
Within six years, 50 percent of cellphones in the United States will use CDMA, Mr. Roberts predicted.
In the summer of 1985, while driving from Los Angeles to San Diego, he came up with the idea for using CDMA for mobile networks.
NET10 Wireless is a related offering, using both GSM and CDMA phones which support voicemail and text messaging at a minimum.
In the United States, about 40 percent of subscribers use CDMA.
Alegro is the state owned firm and uses CDMA.