The hammer and sickle ( ) are a part of communist symbolism and their usage indicates an association with communism, a communist party, or a communist state.
Kinship terms are part of a language and operate as signs with signifiers and signifieds - usage of kinship terms indicates membership of a language group.
When high usage indicates that the company may need to buy spot-priced power, it sends a signal by a standard pager that raises test customers' air-conditioning thermostats by four degrees.
However, the modern usage of the term now indicates a central defensive back with responsibility for run and pass support, slightly favoring run support.
Current usage of "Mie solution" indicate series approximation to solution of Maxwell's equations.
The usage indicates that the phrase had long since become an aphorism of common political wisdom by Alcuin and Charlemagne's time.
Since we deal here with American trademark law, and thus American consumers, neither British usage nor the dictionary definition indicating such usage are determinative.
Patients who regularly or frequently need to take short-acting β-agonists should consult their doctor, as such usage indicates uncontrolled asthma, and their routine medications may need adjustment.
Possibly the most common usage of the word "community" indicates a large group living in close proximity.
The varying usage of these pronouns indicates something about formality, familiarity, and/or solidarity between the interactants.