Some usages of the term include even wider areas, while others are more specific though with little consistency of definition.
Such repeated usage of neural pathways include continuous reading which may result in temporary vision failure.
Primary human usage of the basin include very limited farming, ranching, grazing and logging.
This usage included many whose ideas would later be known as social democracy and democratic socialism, very different concepts to that devised by Biétry.
Common usage includes piping it to and or redirecting the output to a file.
Withdrawal symptoms may occur if long-term usage is abruptly ended, and can include:
Post-war usage of the area included a car park, a petrol station and a wholesale flower market.
Other meanings and usages of the word stock include:
Local usage includes some words from English, Malay and other languages.
This usage usually includes both the transmitter proper, the antenna, and often the building it is housed in.