Making local public information more personalized, usable, and actionable for all Americans.
The new search engines not only find more, they are more likely to present usable information on the first screen.
Then you can assemble a working translation program, and actually convert the writing into usable information.
The need for usable information grew as computers became more available.
"The more people that are distributing usable information through accessible means, the better off we all will be," he said in an e-mail message.
He said it might be days or longer before any usable information could be mined.
A receiver that takes the signal from the channel and converts it back into usable information.
These percentages are based on the usually resident population, excluding another 7 percent of people who did not provide usable information.
Most seem to think that if they stare at one long enough, it will yield usable information.
Technical communicators use a variety of tools to create usable information.