Environmental data rescue is a collection of processes, including photography and scanning, that stores historical and modern environmental data in a usable format.
Once the format of the new magazine has been worked out I should be able to submit my copy in a more usable format.
Some scores, a solo piano work, for example, could be downloaded in usable formats.
Once data is transformed into a usable format, open texture and cross referencing issues may arise.
Voluminous information must be collected, placed in a usable format, and kept accurate and up-to-date.
It is human-readable and simple to parse, so it is a usable format for configuration files that do not require much greater complexity.
The processing required to convert the typesetting format to a usable format was essentially iterative and needed to be performed with care.
Whoever puts together these datasets has NO understanding of how to put together data in a usable format.
While there is a worldwide trend towards opening data, there are national differences as to what extent that information is freely available in usable formats.
The content itself should be delivered in a reliable, usable format.