The usable capacity is about 12 ounces or 1-1/2 cups.
It'll probably format to 14-15GB of actual usable capacity anyway.
Depending on the method used to write, and the type of disk used, usable capacities range from about 500 to 700 megabytes.
Fragments smaller than the granularity are not kept track of, which may lead to the usable capacity of a disc actually shrinking.
Western Digital settled the challenge and added explicit disclaimers to products that the usable capacity may differ from the advertised capacity.
Is that 5.5 PB raw or usable capacity?
This will be part of an aquifer storage and recovery system which is expected to have a usable capacity of 100 megalitres per year.
Since the block headers occupied space, the usable capacity of the drive was dependent on the block size.
Overall, there will be one disk holding the checksums, so the total usable capacity will be that of all disks except for one.
Connecting such a drive to a host with an ATA-5 or earlier interface will limit the usable capacity to the maximum of the interface.