His father was a urological surgeon at the Urology Group in New Haven and an assistant clinical professor of surgery at Yale School of Medicine.
He became a urological surgeon and Secretary of the Royal Society of Medicine.
Within weeks he and Margaret (who remains, despite the author's attempts to animate her, a rather aloof, shadowy partner in this narrative) have visited two urological surgeons and a radiologist.
Does this mean that urological surgeons were, consciously or subconsciously, acting out as alpha males to dominate and abase vulnerable men of the tribe?
He is one of world's leading urological surgeons, and has performed over 5000 robotically assisted procedures using the da Vinci Surgical System.
A urological surgeon would be required.
Her father was a urological surgeon there.
Terrington became a urological surgeon in 1970.
Surgery, such as the "Nesbit operation", is considered a last resort and should only be performed by highly skilled urological surgeons knowledgeable in specialized corrective surgical techniques.
Dr. le Roux, 38, is a urological surgeon at St. Helier Hospital in London.