At night our internal clock, sleep, and our inactive environment act together to decrease temperature and urinary loss.
Stress incontinence is where a woman or a man experiences urinary loss or leaking with coughing or straining, sneezing, lifting, laughing, any kind of physical activity.
Some have marked cravings for salt or salty foods due to the urinary losses of sodium.
Craving for salt or salty foods due to the urinary losses of sodium is common.
Treatment consists of NaCl infusion to correct ECF volume contraction and administration of K to replace urinary losses.
The amount of bicarbonate given may have to be very large, to stay ahead of the urinary losses.
Increased urinary losses of carnitine during ifosfamide chemotherapy.
Rather, there are heavy urinary losses of K in the setting of post-emetic bicarbonaturia that force urinary potassium excretion (see Alkalosis below).
Disease states that lead to abnormally high aldosterone levels can cause hypertension and excessive urinary losses of potassium.
Adults with untreated DI may remain healthy for decades as long as enough water is consumed to offset the urinary losses.