This might be because of those overwhelming pregnancy symptoms, such as nausea, heartburn, and urinary frequency.
This may lead to urinary frequency, urgency, retention, and incontinence (loss of urine).
Where present, symptoms include stress incontinence, increased urinary frequency and difficulty in emptying the bladder.
Tolterodine is used to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of urinary frequency, urgency, and incontinence.
The most common side effect of spironolactone is urinary frequency.
Frequent urination, or urinary frequency, is the need to urinate more often than usual.
Find out what other members are saying about menopause and urinary frequency.
It's very common to have urinary problems like leakage and increased urinary frequency.
Radiation therapy can cause increased urinary frequency and urgency.
Interstitial cystitis patients also struggle with urinary frequency and/or urinary urgency.