At this late stage, false humility is a more urgent danger than hubris.
Wallie would be enjoying this tussle of wits if he were not himself in urgent danger.
It was easy to think again of urgent and deadly danger.
Unless there is urgent danger, keep the person in the position where he or she was found.
Some ask how urgent this danger is to America and the world.
There is a consensus on the urgent dangers of GHG emissions in the Earth's atmosphere, and the role that human activity is playing in its increase.
But the most urgent danger is that terrorists could acquire the fissile material with which to construct a nuclear weapon in a relatively short period of time.
Now, Morrison's manner was completely relaxed, and Whittaker began to believe that he had escaped any urgent danger, and had won himself time.
This time, Iraq has set off his Vietnam alarms, especially the secretive, trust-us talk of an urgent danger.
Mr. Gore urges the world to become "sufficiently aroused by a shared sense of urgent danger" to reverse this "logic of world civilization."