The ads urged passengers to call politicians to demand more money for more service - and therefore more union jobs.
Another police officer with a bullhorn urged passengers who were attempting to stuff themselves on trains: "Clear the doors.
So the group has designed a 3-by-5-inch sticker urging passengers to exit from the sidewalk side of their cab.
The flight attendant urged passengers to move forward by climbing over seats to escape the rising water within the cabin.
A pilot on a United flight urged passengers to throw things at a potential hijacker and wrestle him to the floor with a blanket.
She passed out fliers, alerted the community, and urged passengers to walk or car-pool.
An elevator car, with a Waldahud holding the door open with one arm and urging passengers in with the other three.
Talking about it yesterday the North-East solicitor urged other passengers to follow his example.
No one bothers to read signs urging passengers not to ride between the cars.
Officials urged passengers to arrive at airports earlier, with photo identification ready and luggage clearly labeled.