The economic situation became so desperate the church urged parishioners to "cease drinking vodka."
Bishop Gracida was one of the first to sign the petition last summer, and he urged parishioners to support it.
Some recommendations were general, like urging parishioners "to learn the cultures in their midst."
Fox encouraged church leaders to urge parishioners to reserve individual copies, too.
And clergy at nearby churches that do not operate schools urged parishioners to send their children to the school.
The conference also instructed the bishops to urge parishioners to register their opposition to abortion by speaking out and voting.
He urged parishioners to "please keep us in your prayers for the next four or five days."
They also urged parishioners to come forward if they knew of any incidents involving other priests.
But other American bishops are less strident, urging parishioners simply to "vote your conscience."
On Sunday, priests throughout Westchester urged parishioners to speak out against the proposal.