But with the changes in the law, he and other accountants are urging their clients to check carefully before taking major financial steps.
And financial planners are urging bold clients to invest in home building companies.
In fact, some travel agents are urging their clients to buy tickets now, before fares go up.
He also urged Venezuela's international clients to stay patient and said exports would climb to normal levels by next month.
Finally, accountants urge their clients to put audit fears in perspective.
I urge my clients to look for the Energy Star label, but tell them it may not address all their concerns.
Many companies that were already urging customers and clients to accept virtual forms of communication found them more receptive last week.
She urges her clients to buy only as much insurance as they need, she said.
Many advisers are urging clients to plan for years when investment returns, and tax bills, are likely to be higher.
Ms. Vasileff urges her clients in the states that do provide relief to agree before the courts become involved.