The departments of revenue, veterans affairs, and commerce were all created at Gates urging during his term.
His wife, Sami, a college adviser, urged him to videotape a couple of college campuses for her during a business trip a few years ago.
Lansbury urged her, during the hearings, to "go to prison and let the Council back you up by refusing to declare your seat vacant".
Her husband initially urged the move to buy properties in Houston more than a decade ago, during the oil bust, she said.
Financial advisers and bankers thus urge caution during uncertain economic times.
Kennedy was wise not to heed the old man's urging to bomb Cuba during the missile crisis.
Singer was one of the first scientists to urge the launching of earth satellites for scientific observation during the 1950s.
John Connors, Microsoft's chief financial officer, urged investors during a conference call not to make too much of the issue.
In particular, he urged for protection of birds of prey and seabirds during the breeding season.
Educators and the police urged supervision during computer time.