He urges religious conservatives to seek change through "moral persuasion" rather than the "coercive power of the state," to resist "social engineering" and to avoid "spiritual arrogance."
They are urging not only Democrats but also other conservatives to accept Mr. Lott's apology and move on.
(2/18/99) Veteran political activist Paul Weyrich urged fellow conservatives to "drop out" of society .
He urged conservatives not to support the National States' Rights Party because such action would divide anti-Kennedy voters and therefore boost the Democrats.
Conservative radio show host Rush Limbaugh gave the keynote address in which he urged conservatives to "take back the nation" after the election of Barack Obama.
Kristol has also backed President Barack Obama's decision to intervene in the 2011 Libyan civil war and urged fellow conservatives to support the action.
In a new commentary being circulated, Paul Weyrich, chairman of the Free Congress Foundation, urged conservatives not to abandon him.
Clearly aware of that possibility, Mr. Forbes urged conservatives here to rally around him as the conservative alternative to Mr. Bush.
He urged conservatives to "aggressively prosecute their case and advance their cause with little regard to Dole."
Mr. Rushton said that he has urged other conservatives to overlook any shortcoming in her record and block Democrats from embracing her.