She walked quickly as her fear would urge her, beyond the corner and before the eyes of the guards at the gate.
The timing of final Congressional action on the corporate reform measure was unclear, although the President urged action before the summer recess.
He also represented and urged for complete unification of Karnataka before the States reorganization commission.
Elizabeth lost no time in contemplating her fear but urged her mare toward the black emptiness before her.
Local residents, the Thames Valley police and I were urging, long before the events of the summer, that something should be done.
Then through the door, and into the low-lit room, came three shadows, one urging the other two before him.
A minute or two later he reappeared at the study door, unceremoniously urging Brush before him.
When she had finished Ayana stumbled back to the renewal chamber so tired she could barely urge one foot before the other.
But it was Lura who came out, urging the mare before her.
She urged the private club to open membership to women before the next Masters, in April.