Today, disposables dominate most urbanized cultures, with the French using them in 98 out of every 100 diaper changes, while in the United States they are the choice about 95 percent of the time.
Dr. Wolch, at U.S.C., said advanced urbanized and suburbanized capitalist culture was exhibiting a strong move toward "the denaturalization of nature."
The arrival of a highly urbanized Islamic culture in the decade following 711 ensured the survival of cities in the Hispaniae into the Middle Ages.
Without specifically stating it, the assumption is made that the modern world under consideration is that of Campbell's world-the Christian-based, urbanized culture of North America, the so-called Modern Western Society.
The Eastern Mediterranean was home to the highly urbanized cultures that had Greek as their common language (owing to the older empire of Alexander the Great and of the Hellenistic successors.)
Within the context of the nonindustrial civilization of Earthsea, the technological level of Karg society is high, having a strongly militaristic and urbanized culture.
Like other Phoenician people their urbanized culture and economy was strongly linked to the sea.
The Greek 'Dark Age' drew to a close as a significant rise in population allowed urbanized culture to be restored, and the rise of the city-states (Poleis).
They took over an existing developed infrastructure and urbanized culture (at least in the plains).
If so, they were the actors of the first major interaction between an urbanized Indo-European culture and the Chinese civilization, which led to the opening up the Silk Road from the 1st century BCE.