Over the past 50 years it has ranged further to the west, and large numbers have settled in areas of urban wasteland, especially near railways.
"At first we were desolate," wrote the architects after inspecting this urban wasteland.
We have all too many urban wastelands that would benefit from being redesigned.
The story goes that Payne looked out his window at the urban wasteland.
Strung along 11th Avenue, they should help to energize what is now a dead urban wasteland.
Despite costly government attempts to stimulate economic development in urban industrial wastelands, only a few such buildings have been recycled.
Do you think there is a valid place for Motörhead to occupy in today's urban military industrial wasteland?
Fifteen years ago, the area was an urban wasteland.
Two features of this succession on urban wasteland are particularly interesting.
What the mass of urban wasteland needs lies between these extremes.