Speeding up urban traffic could save 10 per cent of fuel, and so cut back on carbon dioxide.
The catch, of course, is that stick shifts require some skill to use well, and they are a pain to operate in heavy urban traffic.
In response, the city implemented drastic plans to curb urban traffic.
The money would come from $1.2 billion that the federal Department of Transportation has set aside to finance projects to ease urban traffic.
The urban traffic meant Police patrols, and they couldn't afford a traffic stop at this stage of the game.
The worst part was wrestling through the urban traffic, knowing that it was coming up to sailing time.
Boys were expected to "scorch" their bicycles in urban traffic.
Legislative measures at European level are inadmissible for urban traffic.
He was offering an automobile that could be driven both in competition and in urban traffic.
Above all the reconstruction considered the needs of urban traffic and accepted modern town planning.