They are particularly active in rural areas, but also in small towns and urban slums.
And farmers, he said, were forced to go work in urban slums.
The Dallas plan comes after decades of attempts, many unsuccessful, to clear urban slums across the nation.
For children brought up in urban slums and sent to rural areas, evacuation could bring many changes for the better.
It would show them how you can rebuild the urban slums in this country.
It is estimated that about 20% of Bangalore population reside in urban slums.
He spoke out against disorder, in urban slums and on select campuses.
But there is also a widespread sense that more personnel alone will not solve the problem of access, either in rural areas or urban slums.
Many of these schools are in urban slums, where over 7,000 underprivileged children gain access to education.
Similar approaches are under preparation for urban slums in lagos.