It is located in the urban periphery of Frankfurt am Main and adjacent to Frankfurt Airport.
Gaon also focuses on those who live on the urban periphery, the street people, immigrants, and prostitutes.
He began his creative artistic career with socially motivated expressive works from the environment of the urban periphery, as he called it.
In Mexico, for example, new housing development at the urban periphery is single-use but not low-density.
This would argue for considerable community organization and official control of the division and leasing of land on the urban periphery.
The larvae are typically found in fresh water or rainwater pools often near urban peripheries or rural houses.
In this framework he condemned the urbanization dynamics that lead to the "slumisation" of the urban peripheries and land conflicts across the world.
He also takes into account the residential high rises on the urban periphery, modern artifacts of the Franco era, built for a city overtaken by cars.
Nonetheless, such development on the urban periphery is fast making China a nation of motorists.