A straight criminal element like this, as opposed to one of the Marxist groups, is more often an urban operation.
The elite light infantry of the brigade is especially useful in urban operations.
It is equipped to train soldiers for urban and desert operations.
Close air support roles include supporting ground troops, escorting convoys, and flying urban operations.
They have also provided essential support in urban military operations:
During an urban operation it is almost impossible for there not to be any collateral damage; the people are just too close to the action.
After the 26/11 carnage, they are increasingly being asked to impart their skills to aid urban operations.
Fortunately, our soldiers have extensive training in urban operations down to the platoon and company level.
Passenger carrying trams had first began urban operation in Birkenhead in 1860.
Traditional military forces are not geared toward the mainly urban operations needed to defeat small cells of guerrillas.