There are many families who have struggled to buy a home in suburbia to avoid the urban ills for their children.
The 5,500 people here live in relative peace, free from most urban ills.
"That area has seen all the most significant urban ills."
"At this point I'm more than ready to leave urban ills behind."
It may seem strange that one of the world's financial capitals should look to a small mountain town for answers to its own urban ills.
He spoke of his concern with race relations and urban ills in Atlanta.
Grown fat and happy off your tax dollars, he's the one to blame for a wide variety of urban ills.
"And then in the longer term, we work on the fundamental urban ills."
With the people have come traffic, crime, youth gangs and other urban ills.
He suggested that the plan could turn the city into a laboratory where solutions to urban ills might be tested.