In what might be the earliest harbinger of the current developments in urban farming, Stokes established a small farm on the roof of the hotel.
Portland is home to increased urban farming, particularly in the East Bayside neighborhood.
Cool urban farming in Michigan, but it's a few hours drive from here... alas....
The Trust proposes to retain 10% of the Parklands for urban farming.
This offers the same kind of advantages in terms of water consumption, weather and consistency, and also opens up the possibility of urban farming.
Another aspect of urban farming, especially in densely populated American cities, is the use of grow-bags to raise a wide range of crops.
Community wastes were used in ancient Egypt to feed urban farming.
Ideas for green urban structures began in the 1870s, with concepts of urban farming and garden allotments.
This concept covers all aspects of urban farming, from planting and maintaining crops to raising small livestock.
As a councilor she supported pedestrian rights, urban farming and using biofuels in the city vehicle fleet.