He wrote the annual report on the state of the uranium industry for the organization.
The department has also determined that the domestic uranium industry has not been viable since 1983.
The fact that production has never matched capacity is largely attributable to the uranium industry having to lower output to match demand for primary supply.
The end of the war brought recession, however, and in 1923 an even greater blow struck Utah's uranium industry.
In fact, until 1985 the Western uranium industry was producing material much faster than nuclear power plants and military programs were consuming it.
The American uranium industry has a big problem.
The community had hoped to gain a tourist attraction to compensate for the loss of nearly 4,000 jobs, most related to the depressed uranium industry.
He has become known as the father of Canada's uranium industry.
In late May 2009 he was removed from his position and arrested on charges of embezzling funds from the country's uranium industry.
Regulation of the uranium industry was first debated in Congress in 1966, but little progress was made.