The city's upstate reservoirs are 82.7 percent full, compared with a normal level of 92.7 percent.
New York City is in a better position than other areas because its upstate reservoirs have not suffered as much from a lack of rainfall.
New York City residents draw 1.3 billion gallons of water every day from upstate reservoirs.
The city's water drawdown from several upstate reservoirs now averages 1.2 billion gallons a day.
But some stay in New York around the city's upstate reservoirs.
The upstate reservoirs that supply the city are at only 41.5 percent of their capacity, city officials said.
Water piped from three upstate reservoirs can vary in quality and change again when it reaches the city.
New York City has long had the power to regulate development around its 19 upstate reservoirs.
Until then, local water had been added to the drinking supply, most of which comes from upstate reservoirs.
Scientists say there is almost no chance of getting enough rain to fill the city's upstate reservoirs by June.