Many senators from upstate and suburban areas consider the bond issue crucial.
"In the upstate area, we don't have many wins," Mayor Johnson said.
Crime in the suburbs dropped by 6.2 percent, while upstate areas showed a decline of 1.7 percent.
"I would have gotten Chuck's voting record first and had him campaign personally in the upstate areas."
But they are also welcomed by upstate areas desperate for jobs.
Opponents used television and radio, mostly in upstate areas.
The issue is particularly sensitive in upstate areas, where lawmakers already tend to make more than most of their constituents.
The total job count is brought back down to 18,800 because of job losses in many upstate areas.
Schumer went on to win the election and did well in upstate areas.
In the upstate area - and thus by default also the current Republican race - it is not really about policy any more.