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We stood beneath the upstairs porch and tried to muffle our giggles.
I recently got my wish, as the upstairs unheated-but-enclosed porch was converted into my office.
He set his doodlebug into the floor of the upstairs porch, feeling the vibration caused by their talking.
Take another step to pick Boudreaux up and chuck him off this upstairs porch on his head.
I looked up to see Mr. Avery cross the upstairs porch.
She had come out on the upstairs porch of the hotel and stared after him.
The branches were lashing the house, scratching at the top of the upstairs porch.
And there, there on the upstairs porch he stood looking down at her.
The stork had doubtless landed on the upstairs porch and gone through the French doors into my parents' bedroom!
Kind of an upstairs porch, like they have on all the floors; but nobody can get to it.