The snail's shell is reverse countershaded, because of its upside-down position in the water column.
It fell out of the upside-down position and went into a spin.
Upon returning home to Michigan we changed that lift immediately, so now we do an upside-down position instead of a split.
From his upside-down position, the work went more; slowly than he would have liked.
It would then tend, when moved, to turn the aeroplane over sideways and into an upside-down position.
From his upside-down position Bolan surveyed the lay of the land.
Like Notonectidae, they are in an upside-down position when swimming.
Gradually the plane came out of its upside-down position.
Most bats rest, sleep and hibernate in an upside-down position.
Each time it sounds, a bell's motion begins in the "upside-down" position, with the mouth upwards.