School officials in Pasadena, Texas have detected something satanic in the peace symbol: they see it as an upside-down broken cross that signifies the defeat of Christianity.
For all we know, Worthington was unorthodox as an upside-down cross, and just kept it hidden.
Nine stab wounds to the chest were in the shape of an upside-down cross.
The word Kill is seen on his hand along with an upside-down cross.
The band's banners depicted an upside-down cross inside a pentagram, along with a not-so-coded message: DCLXVI.
He wears a red jumpsuit and domino mask covered with upside-down crosses, and behaves as if he were criminally insane.
The CD edition featured a cover with the title of the album and an upside-down cross below it, finishing off with the original black sun below everything.
He wears a costume which resembles a chicken, and has an upside-down cross painted on his chest.
That symbol was an upside-down cross overlapping a circle with three 7's, one above the cross and at each of the two side points.
Then she mentioned an upside-down cross and her father in a hooded robe.