Although a skillful military commander, Francesco was renowned for his upright character and religious ideals.
It is very beautifully written in upright characters.
On the other hand, there are typefaces with upright characters that take a more cursive form without a change in angle.
Nobody likes squealers, but the Government must sometimes use them and cannot always choose informants of upright character or restraint.
In the hearings, Judge Thomas has played with dramatic success to his strength, his humble background and upright character.
I am determined enough against the viciously disposed, but not so against men of upright character.
My simple, honest, plain, upright character is satisfied by saying: "Look at me, everybody: Too proud to spend!"
What must have lain beneath the surface of Angus's honorable and upright character?
She became renowned for her brusque candor, upright character and lack of vanity.
Humankind must exhibit upright character and perform deeds of service.