She seemed a typical product of her upper-middle-class background in Westchester County.
From an upper-middle-class background near Sacramento.
Given the Narodniks' generally middle- and upper-middle-class social background, they found difficulty relating to the impoverished peasants and their culture.
She had become the foster daughter of a teacher and a doctor, a black couple, and from them she got an upper-middle-class background.
Cairncross actually worked independently of the other Four and did not share their upper-middle-class backgrounds or tastes.
His plays are generally set in an upper-middle-class background.
Victor described an upper-middle-class background in New Jersey.
Majority of the people who lives in Banasree are from the upper-middle-class background.
Rab always liked Gareth, liked the way he played up, rather than down, his upper-middle-class background.
They came from middle- or upper-middle-class backgrounds and entered prison with high school educations or college degrees.