The upper pair shows the then-elderly couple in 1644, just three years before they celebrated their golden wedding anniversary.
Head Nurse turned to her and took both her hands into her upper pair.
Draegloths are about ten feet tall and have four arms, the upper pair being much larger than the lower.
The inflorescences are located in clusters about the stem just above each upper pair of leaves.
The upper pair of arms served the same purpose as human arms.
He holds an axe and a deer on the upper pair of his arms.
They were the teeth of a lion with long canines, the upper pair extending over the lower lip.
The upper pair, called optical tentacles, is used to sense light.
The upper pair have light sensing organs, and the lower two are used to smell.
Once he had picked the locks on the lower pairs of handcuffs, the upper pair could simply be slipped off.