It was horrible to see such courage and know the beings who possessed it were bent upon the murder of his entire race.
Tahir was interviewed upon the murder of his friend shopkeeper Syed Ali Hussain.
It was formed as the result of a bequest of £1,000,000 in 1907 upon the murder of William Whiteley.
The narrative is based upon the actual murder of Mary Cecilia Rogers.
When Burgess was surprised by Laidlow, his only chance of safety depended upon the murder of the millionaire.
Upon the close murder, Webb returns to the Caribbean.
Then, Norton carefully manipulated Hastings to resolve upon the murder of Major Allerton.
I have not felt such a lack of control since control passed to me upon the murder of my mother.
I don't see what bearing any of it could have upon the murder, sir.
Had he stumbled upon the murder, yelled wordlessly, and then been beheaded?