Almost immediately upon passage in 1931, both unions and contractors expressed dissatisfaction with key components of the law.
Metro-North will bring its contribution to its required 35% upon passage of its 2010-2014 capital budget.
Upon passage of the Copyright Act, 1921, Imperial legislation in the matter ceased to have effect.
Yet upon passage, the neutron is subject to gravitation.
The law took place immediately upon passage, February 14, 1887.
The Legislature also cannot pass any separate appropriations until they take "final action" on the governor's bills, which become law upon passage.
Or immediately upon passage?
Upon passage of the predecessor to current income tax law, the company became subject to tax on net income.
An immediate consequence upon passage of the law was that it produced both quantitative and qualitative losses to the physics community.
Upon passage of the federal Wilderness Act in 1964 it was reclassified as wilderness.