Then, the Israelites came upon their main opponent, the Aramean Syrians.
Gripped with unexpected sympathy, Sisko gazed upon his strong and worthy opponent.
Also, some fighters practice moves whose sole purpose is to inflict pain upon their opponent, in the hope that they will tap out.
The gravity with which he could answer a ridiculous or impertinent question completely disarmed and turned the shafts of malice back upon his opponent.
He was balanced on the parapet; he relaxed his hold upon his opponent in a sudden effort to gain a more secure position.
Then the stranger pushed back his hat, and fixed his quiet gaze upon his opponent, smiling yet.
If any should wish to champion the girl, Valtaya, let him first gaze upon his opponent.
He could dive upon his opponent, gaining a sizable speed advantage for a hit and run attack.
At the struggle's culminating moment in front of the Daily Planet building, each fighter lands a massive blow upon his opponent.
"Shalt clip me as best you can then," quoth the archer, moving out into the open space, and keeping a most wary eye upon his opponent.