It has had a particularly strong influence upon Latin American music.
But excessive dependence upon music may mean that other valid sources for choreography are being overlooked.
Other rooms in the museum focus upon ranching, saddle making, Indian culture, county history, music, veterans and life styles.
Those who looked upon music as a helpful if subsidiary illustration for more crucial matters must have come away satisfied.
"Blues was looked upon as sinful music because we come from a church background," he said.
I look upon music and art from a very idealistic standpoint.
These days, adult puppetry has become a fusion art form drawing upon sculpture, dance, painting and music.
Queen's Theater was to reopen, though its programs would lean for the most part upon music and opera.
Their influence upon British music did not take full effect until the 1950s and 1960s.
I told them I depended upon humor and music to get me through.