"Authorising a machine to make lethal combat decisions is contingent upon political and military leaders resolving legal and ethical questions."
President Bush may again seek to impress upon European leaders the importance the United States attaches to the trade liberalization effort.
He wrote a book about the spiritual struggle on this continent and in congresses called upon local Christian leaders to strengthen their communities.
Democracy, after all, is not dependent upon particular leaders.
"We are calling upon Arab nations and leaders to support the Palestinians and hold an emergency Arab summit."
Still, important moments throughout history have called upon leaders to articulate a vision, a mood, a direction, to give voice to shared feelings of grief or hope.
As the result of these developments, prominent party members who did not clearly take sides called upon leaders to mend the rift.
The honor is bestowed upon select leaders from throughout the world who exemplify and support academic and administrative leadership.
He called upon Christian leaders in America to join him in launching his new initiative.
Alternatively, we may insist upon truthful leaders.