They may be used immediately upon generation of the email to you.
What I want you to remember from this story is that any new fact or change in our understanding sits upon generations of accumulated knowledge.
Ever since then, people have been conducting tests upon different generations of sound recording systems.
They already know a life they've been used to for generations upon generations.
There are those in the world who wish the Game to continue as it has been played for generation upon generation.
In this case, the blame was cast not only on the Jews of the time but upon successive generations.
He lives in Boston and has influenced generation upon generation of students; maybe these are some reasons he's not better known.
High Lord, my family has passed down a tradition, generation upon generation.
Had I right, for my own benefit, to inflict this curse upon everlasting generations?
None have done so in the generations upon generations since the Cataclysm.