Lyndwood's gloss gives an account of the views accepted among the English clergy of his day upon all sorts of subjects.
But now I would be obliged to rely upon chaperones and all sorts of tediousness that I do not have patience for at the moment.
Digging in the direction from the first find to the second they found more and more, and then they came upon all sorts of tools.
They had fallen upon all sorts of riches, some immediately apparent but others that took some seeking out.
She who had worked unflinchingly upon all sorts of dismembered, fragmentary, maimed and mangled men was now a pleading, stricken, desperately frightened girl.
Abuse of all kinds, by all sorts of people, upon all sorts of people.
My mind became wonderfully clear and I found myself arguing in a fashion that would have done credit to the greatest of the Greek philosophers upon all sorts of fundamental problems.
And my brain seized upon all sorts of mad notions, that somehow he could be destroyed without endangering us as long as she remained!
They wearied her with long and multiplied interrogatories upon all sorts of things.
A friend of the show, attorney Shawn Alexander, frequently calls in or is consulted upon all sorts of legal issues.