With one section over another, addition upon addition, the result is a complicated and intricately built structure, comparable to the Winchester House.
Most of these effects were also found upon addition of the various phospholipds species to human biles.
As addition upon addition was joined to her, she expanded steadily... and with it her powers.
A curious reaction occurs upon addition of concentrated sulfuric acid to potassium permanganate.
In an exothermic reaction, the temperature in the sample cell increases upon addition of ligand.
Finally, barbiturase activity can be blocked upon addition of other metal ions, such as copper and mercury.
Upon addition of water - even moist air - or treatment with alcohols, Te protonates:
Hydrogen telluride is an unstable gas that forms hydrotelluric acid upon addition to water.
Replies: This depends on whether heat is liberated or absorbed upon addition of a pinch of the salt.
These antibodies remain free upon addition and are washed off during washing.