Two jets dived upon a hidden target and the mists were crisscrossed with their laser fire.
The Shadow was taking a long bound down the front steps, his automatic poised as though deciding upon a target.
The political fire on Grayson had come from another source . . . and been leveled upon a different target.
They conferred momentarily, then dropped their spears as the creature decided upon a target.
The fear of the source is repli- cated upon a genetically incompatible target.
Naturally, there was some expectation that one day I would come upon a target worthy of being thrown at with a good throwing rock.
The problem was that every time I came upon such a target, all my good throwing rocks were stored in a box under my bed and unavailable.
Strike: this describes a single attack, upon a specified target.
The bullet clipped the crook's shoulder - a glancing wound upon a difficult target.
Guns converging upon a single target, ready to voice a unanimous roar that would say, not in words, but result: "Death to The Shadow!"