Films about stopping to smell the roses often have their sobering side, as do uplifting tales of learning to enjoy life after a terrible scare.
Not all the stories have happy endings, of course, nor are they all uplifting tales of heroism.
Whether you find such tales uplifting or trite depends on your state of neediness.
What's wrong with this uplifting tale?
The opera tells an uplifting tale of kingly magnanimity and all-conquering love.
Instead, Fiametta decides to recount a more uplifting tale, to her friends' disappointment.
His is, in many ways, an uplifting tale.
I heard numerous uplifting tales of how people had come together in a Blitz-like spirit as the earth rumbled.
If there is an uplifting tale to be told about a vision of theater, ever growing in acknowledgement and importance, Crossroads is it.